A piston links to a drive shaft by means of a connecting rod. 活塞通过连杆与驱动轴相连。
The WG series,( double guided wedge parallel grippers), achieves synchronous motion with a double acting piston attached via the piston shaft to a double sided wedge. 该工作组系列,(双导杆平行爪),实现了双动通过活塞轴一楔双面同步连接活塞运动。
The utility model has the advantages of that: the piston in the gas cylinder becomes a part of the whole of piston-nut and spline shaft; 本实用新型的优点:气缸内活塞成为活塞螺母和花键轴一体的零件;
Simulation Research on Train-induced Piston Effect in Subway Tunnels with and without Shaft 地铁隧道带与不带竖井列车活塞效应模拟研究
The pressure ripple related to the position of swash plate, the pressure pulsations related to pump outlet volume, the kinetic characteristic of the piston, the stress and strain of the shaft are analyzed. 对配油盘位置与压力冲击,泵出口容积与压力脉动,柱塞运动特性和主轴应力应变进行了分析。
Piston Effect Problem in Drilling Shaft Sinking Method and its Solution 钻井中的活塞效应问题及解决途径
The Defend Countermeasure Against the Fatigue Rupture of the Piston Shaft in Compressors 化工用压缩机活塞杆过早疲劳断裂及防范对策研究
Computation of the velocity of the Piston Wind when the Train Passing through the Single Line Tunnel without Shaft 列车经过某单线无竖井隧道时的活塞风速计算
A method to calculate piston secondary motion is presented in this paper, the motion model including the piston, the connect-rod and the crank shaft by the Newtonian second law and the impact model by the Lagrangian equation are established. 本文运用牛顿第二定律建立活塞,连杆及曲轴的运动模型,通过变量代换,得到计算活塞横向运动加速度和活塞绕活塞销为中心的转动加速度及活塞刮擦力的矩阵方程;
A New Concept Internal Combustion Engine& Reciprocating Piston Type Franck Shaft Internal Combustion Engine 新概念内燃机&往复活塞式直轴内燃机
Based on the achievement above, reliability design for a metal/ ceramic coating piston shaft has been carried out and used in engineering. 文中基于的计算结果对金属基/涂层柱塞杆进行了可靠性设计,取得了良好的效果,该设计零件已应用在工程中。
The ball piston pump takes ceramic ball of high accuracy as its piston and allocates water by its shaft. With wear-resisting plastic covering on cylinder surface, it establishes seel surface by rigidity of piston and elastoplasticity of plastic, hence greatly reduces flow leakage. 球塞泵以高精度陶瓷球为活塞,采用轴配流,其缸孔内壁喷涂有一层耐磨工程塑料,利用其弹塑性和球塞的刚性建立起密封面,大大降低泄漏流量。
First of all, from the aerodynamic theory formula, analyzed piston effect caused by train when traveling in the singlet tunnel with ventilation shaft. 首先用空气动力学理论分析列车在有通风竖井的单线隧道内行驶时引起的活塞效应。
In this thesis, a motor-pump prototype which has integral structure of combining the the seawater hydraulic axial piston pump and the DC motor filled with oil is researched. The DC motor and seawater hydraulic pump share the same shaft and bearings. 本文研究了一种轴向柱塞海水液压泵与油浸式直流电机共用轴和轴承的一体化结构型式电机-泵。